Österreichische Donaulager GmbH
Industriezeile 35a
A - 4020 Linz
Tel.: +43 (0)732/770316
Fax: +43 (0)732/770316-6035
E-Mail: donaulager@linzag.at
Internet: www.donaulager.at
FN 78446m des Landesgerichtes Linz
DVR-Nr. 0057568
UID-Nr. ATU22985401
All information is provided in good faith and to the best of our knowledge. If there are any mistakes despite our efforts we apologise but cannot accept any liability.
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The content of this website is protected by copyright law. The information provided is intended exclusively for personal use. Any other use, particularly storage in data bases, publication, copying and any kind of commercial use of the contents or their provision to third parties is prohibited unless explicitly agreed with Donaulager GmbH.
We do not accept liability for direct or indirect damage including loss of profit incurred through or related in any way with the information provided on this website..
We do not guarantee access to, or correctness or completeness of the content or data. (Positive!) coverage is allowed and welcome.
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Donaulager GmbH accepts no liability for the availability of our pages or the quality of access, particularly access time and the quality of display. We point out that the quality of display depends on your system. This includes that the display of www-pages may not work on all systems.