Professional storage of food and pharmaceutical products as well as hazardous substances and substances hazardous to waters

Warehousing of all kinds of goods has been our core competence since the start of the company. The provision of specialised storage in cold and chill stores for food, temperature controlled storage of pharmaceutical products and special stores for hazardous substances and substances hazardous to waters qualifies us for almost any kind of product. We offer both storage in racks and on the floor.

Tiefkühl- und Kühllager für Lebensmittel Cold and chill stores for food products

Lager für Pharmaprodukte mit Temperaturüberwachung Temperature controlled storage solutions for pharmaceutical products

Speziallager für Gefahrgut und wassergefährdende Stoffe Special stores for hazardous substances and substances hazardous to waters

Value Added Service

Incoming goods inspection, consignment, sample taking, labelling, repacking, sorting, stock taking, assembling, customs clearance, stuffing and stripping, IT interface, information logistics, quality control, contract logistics, pricing, bonded warehouse, empty packaging logistics, display construction, notice to Altstoff Recycling Austria (ARA) about existing substances and power connection for reefer containers (heating and cooling)

Your contact person for all warehousing enquiries:

Gottfried Buchinger, MBA (CEO), Tel. +43 (0)732/770316-6040, Mobile: +43 (0)664/803406040, Fax: +43 (0)732/340015-6040, E-Mail: g.buchinger@linzag.at
Karel Bartonek (Sales Manager), Tel. +43 (0)732/770316-6031, Mobil: +43 (0)664/803406031, Fax: +43 (0)732/340015-6031, E-Mail: k.bartonek@linzag.at
Martin Haubenleithner (Sales Manager), Tel.: +43 (0)732/770316-6064, Mobil: +43 (0)664/803406064, Fax: +43 (0)732/340015-6064, E-Mail: m.haubenleithner@linzag.at

Leitbetriebe Austria

We are Partner of Leitbetriebe Austria.

We are partner of Austrian Logistics

We are partner of Austrian Logistics.